Contact Me

Got questions? Suggestions? Opinions to share? I love to hear from my readers!

But before you do, see if I've already answered your question.

Chat soon,

Jannie Lisonbee
Your Pyro Professor

P.S. I've got 6 kids, chickens, dogs, cats, a house, a giant garden, school and volunteer work to tend to. Burning is my side gig that keeps finding ways to become a full-time job (and then I have to cool it down a bit). So if I don't get to your email right away, thanks for understanding!



We do our best to answer emails 1x per week-ish.

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🔥 QUESTION: I'm new. Where should I start?

Start here...

🔥 QUESTION: How do I join the free VIP email subscriber list?

There are pop ups on the website you can use, or you can simply click to this page and sign up.

🔥 QUESTION: How do I join your wood burning courses?

All courses are now available on various levels in the Bun Savvy YouTube channel membership! Join the Burn Savvy Membership on YouTube here to gain access to more in-depth tutorials + my popular pyrography courses.

🔥 QUESTION: I'm international. Where can I get a burner?

Bear Woods ships the Colwood brand woodburning tools internationally. AND I've worked out a deal so you can get a 5% discount when you use code SAVVY at checkout!

Here's where to use it: Bear Woods Pyrography Supplies

🔥 QUESTION: What should I use to seal this project?

My favorite finishes are all listed right here, ready for your big beautiful eyes to read!

🔥 QUESTION: Can you look at my work and tell me where to improve?

While I would LOVE to help, I simply get too many requests for this.

If you would like some FREE feedback, you are totally welcome to join the Burn Savvy Facebook group here and ask for feedback and pointers from your fellow pyros.

🔥 QUESTION: Is there a place where I can get more tips and advice from you?

I share truckloads of tips, tricks and hacks on my YouTube channel for free. Go check that out!

You can also join the Burn Savvy Membership on YouTube where you can find more in-depth tutorials + my popular pyrography courses.

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[  Burn Savvy ]